
October 7, 2020

Pictured is the future site of the Fulton Wrestling Club, which is located across the street from Byrne Dairy.

Wresting Club Makes Headway Toward New Facility

By Cuinn Burlingham

Fulton Wrestling has been a huge part of the community for a very long time. Fulton Wrestling is known for having good teams year in and year out. The Fulton Wrestling Club and the CYO have worked together and shared part of the CYO for many years, but now members of the wrestling club feels it is time to go their own way and construct a facility of their own.

Chelsie Austin, who has two younger boys in the program and is the head of the club's fundraising said, ¨Last year we had 90 pee wee wrestlers and we could not fit them all in one location. We will be able to have our own spot that´s big enough for everybody.¨

Having more room at the new facility will be a big help to everyone. It will prevent injury and there will be no need to split into separate groups for practice.

Head Coach Jeffery Waldron believes the new facility will help kids in ways none of the previous ones have. He noted there will be ¨more space with two full mats, a more accessible location, which is walking distance from Pathfinder, more flexible hours, and an additional facility means multiple levels can be practicing at the same time with older kids at the high school and younger kids at the new facility.¨

Senior Matthew Woodworth said, ¨It gives me a spot to wrestle on snow days.¨ When the snow days start piling up, the new facility will give more kids an opprotunity to go get a workout in on their own.

For more information about fundraisers and the new facility, you can reach out to Coach Waldron at GRB.