
May 31, 2019

Pictured is a book some students have been spending quality time with as they prepare for the Global History and Geography Regents, which will be administered on Monday at GRB.

Students Preparing for Early Global Regents

By Kim Bednarz

In a just a few short days, the sophomores of GRB will be taking the Global Regents on Monday, June 3 at 7:45 a.m. in the main gym.

Students with Disabilities will be tested in different rooms that include Mrs. Parkhurst's office, Mr. Copani’s office, Mr. LoFaro's office, the Counseling Office, the Teen Health Office, the Testing Center, the Library and rooms 201, 211, 114, and 233. In order to ensure the halls remain quiet, the students will transition to their classes with no bells ringing.

The Global teachers at GRB will grade other students' Regents exams, not their own students' tests. The total number of exams that will need to be graded is around 300.

Global teacher Mr. McCarten said, “WWI, Chernobyl, and Nelson Mandela are my favorite areas to teach. The Regents is changing to an enduring issues-based exam. It has much more critical thinking this year. We are one of the only districts in Oswego County to make changes this year and hopefully it helps our students.”

Sophomore Ally Vincent stated, “Maybe I’m ready for the Global Regents, but my favorite lessons are WWII. I don’t go to the Regents reviews, but I am passing the class with a 93.”

Sophomore Justin Atwater noted, “I took AP Global and I took the AP exam and I am ready for the Global exam. My favorite lesson would have to be the Chinese History.”

Good luck, sophomores!