
March 4, 2019

Are you ready for Student-Led Conferences?

By Trevor Schleicher

March 14 and 15 are the days that student-led conferences will be held. Student-led conferences are designed for students to show off their involvement in their education to parents or guardians and teachers.

School Improvement Coordinator Mrs. Debbie Stuetz said, “This is the opportunity for your child to shine.”

Student-led conferences are a great way to get yourself educated on setting up a portfolio and keeping yourself and your achievements organized not only for now, but for your future, as well.

Junior Jade Brownrigg stated, “It gives students a good opportunity to reflect on the progress they’ve made throughout their schooling.”

Other students said it gives students a chance to show their progress and achievements throughout their school journey.

As part of the improvement process explained by Mrs. Stuetz, parents will be asked to fill out the Fulton City School District family engagement survey to help the district track information and make improvements to the schools.