
April 30, 2020

Students Adjust to Learning at Home

By Anthony Galletta

With the schools sitting empty, and the quarantine likely not being lifted soon, students are going to have to get used to the new Learning At Home program that has been put into effect by the school. This program has teachers assigning classwork to students, as well as contacting and communicating with them via various methods, such as on Google Hangout, email, or over the Remind app. I would highly recommend that if you haven’t signed up for all of your classes in Google Classroom that you do so posthaste, as this will determine if you pass the year or not. Remember, this is a quarantine, not an extended vacation.

Students and teachers alike have formed their own opinions on the current situation. Band Director Mr. Caviness is one of the hardest hit by this, as, according to him, “This is not how Band is supposed to be done. It has to be done together, in person.”

He added that he hopes things get back to normal soon and that his students are practicing so they do not lose the progress they have made this year.

Senior Devon Seale is finding some difficulties, as well. He said, “It's hard to retain information, seeing as we are all at home and our teachers haven’t gotten used to this yet.” I, myself, have noted that it is a bit more difficult to retain what I have learned in all my classes, as well.

Senior Trevor Hartle Knapp, said, “I have a hard time keeping track of all my work. Usually I would just do it when I had the class, but now I’m home all day, so I forget stuff.” This is an understandable problem, as anyone reading this may find.

The best solution I have found is to create a schedule and stick to it, as it will keep you organized, as well as give you something to do throughout the day. Make sure you are willing to stick with this plan for a while, because there is a good chance that this quarantine isn’t ending soon.