
May 10, 2019

Posing with social studies teacher Mrs. Kent (center) and her thank-you note for Teacher Appreciation Week are seniors Heather Roberts (left) and Maddie Baum.

Teachers Appreciated by Students and Staff

By Hailey Nugent

Teachers are very important to our schools and communities.

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and it is dedicated to our teachers in our community who go out of their way to make students' learning experiences better.

The teachers in our school have been recognized and thanked in many different ways.

All teachers at GRB were delivered a printed thank you note (pictured above) and received a small piece of candy from the Positivity Project student ambassadors.

Mrs. Williams and her art students made personalized mugs for some teachers in the school and gave them out.

Principal Mrs. Parkhurst and Assistant Principals Ms. Stephenson and Mr. Copani offered ice cream sundaes to GRB's teachers in the faculty room.

The Fulton Teachers' Association also provided cookies to all of the schools in the district for teachers to enjoy.

Thank you, Fulton teachers, for all you do!