Naši dani

Naši dani

Razvilo se crno vreme opadanja,

Nabujao šljam i razvrat i poroci,

Podig'o se truli zadah propadanja,

Umrli su svi heroji i proroci.

Razvilo se crno vreme opadanja.

Progledale sve jazbine i kanali,

Na visoko podigli se sutereni,

Svi podmukli, svi prokleti i svi mali

Postali su danas naši suvereni.

Progledale sve jazbine i kanali.

Pokradeni svi hramovi i ćivoti,

Ismejane sve vrline i poštenje,

Poniženi svi grobovi i životi,

Uprljano i opelo i krštenje.

Pokradeni svi hramovi i ćivoti.

Zakovana petvekovna zvona bune,

Pobegao duh jedinstva i bog rata;

Obesismo sve praznike i tribune,

Gojimo se od grehova i od blata.

Zakovana petvekovna zvona bune.

Od pandura stvorili smo velikaše,

Dostojanstva podeliše idioti,

Lopovi nam izrađuju bogataše,

Mračne duše nazvaše se patrioti.

Od pandura stvorili smo velikaše.

Svoju mudrost rastočismo na izbore,

Svoju hrabrost na podvale i obede,

Budućnosti zatrovasmo sve izvore,

A poraze proglasismo za pobede.

Svoju mudrost rastočismo na izbore.

Mesto svetle istorije i grobova,

Vaskrsli smo sve pigmeje i repove;

Od nesrećne braće naše, od robova,

Zatvorismo svoje oči i džepove.

Mesto svetle istorije i grobova

Ostala nam još prašina na hartiji,

K'o jedina uspomena na džinove;

Sad svu slavu pronađosmo u partiji,

Pir poruge dohvatio sve sinove.

Ostala nam još prašina na hartiji.

Pod sramotom živi naše pokolenje,

Ne čuju se ni protesti ni jauci;

Pod sramotom živi naše javno mnenje,

Naraštaji, koji sišu k'o pauci.

Pod sramotom živi naše pokolenje.

Pomrčina pritisnula naše dane,

Ne vidi se jadna naša zemlja huda;

Al' kad požar poduhvati na sve strane,

Kuda ćemo od svetlosti i od suda!

Pomrčina pritisnula naše dane.

Vladislav Petković Dis (1910)

Our Days

The black epoch of decline is now flourishing,

Scum has swollen, with all the vice, debauchery,

The rotten stench of decay is overbearing

All the heroes have passed away, and auguri.

The black epoch of decline is now flourishing.

All the burrows and gutters got back their eyesight,

And the basements elevated themselves highly,

All insidious, all the accursed and all the slight,

Their standing above us has become kingly.

All the burrows and gutters got back their eyesight.

All the shrines and reliquaries have been plundered,

All the virtues and honesty have been laughed at,

All graves and all lives have been humiliated,

The requiem and the baptism have been spat at.

All the shrines and reliquaries have been plundered.

Five-centennial bells of rising have been shackled,

Unity spirit and god of war have escaped;

We hanged all holy days and voices of people,

We are getting obese on wickedness and mud.

Five centennial bells of rising have been shackled.

From constables we have made potentiaries,

Dignities have been divided among idiots,

The robbers are creating  our prosperous,

The dark souls have baptized themselves the patriots.

From constables we have made potentiaries.

Our wisdom we have squandered onto elections,

Our courage on the swindles and festivities,

To the future we have poisoned all the wellsprings,

And the defeats we have declared for victories.

Our wisdom we have squandered into elections.

Instead of the illustrious history and graves,

We resurrected all the pygmies and pussies,

And from our miserable brethren, from the slaves,

We averted our eyes and we closed our purses.

Instead of the illustrious history and graves.

What is left to us is only dust on charter,

As the only reminiscence of the giants;

Now we discovered all the glory in the party,

Revel of mockery has got hold of all the sons.

What is left to us is only dust on charter.

In disgrace is living our generation,

Neither protests nor any moaning meet the ears;

In disgrace is living our public opinion,

The cohorts that are sucking like spiders.

In disgrace is living our generation.

The gloominess is pressing upon our days,

Our poor unfortunate land cannot be discerned;

But when the firebrand gets hold on all the sides,

Where shall we run from the light and from the judgement!

The gloominess is pressing upon our days.

(Translated by Slobodan Cekic)

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