Sivi trenutak

Sivi trenutak I najednom zasivi,

kao pregorelo je sve,

a sve živi.

Druže u tajni,

čuj, mukotrpno se ovo srce

imo sve jeze otisne.

I koji za mnom,

i u neznanju,

greš ovaj čudni put:

Sivo je tamo,

sivinom prostreli bit,

sive su oči tajni.

I kad umiru drveta,

ni tuga ni opomena, te suhi list

čudno tišinom omiluje patniku čelo.

A Grey Moment

And sudden it is grey,

As though all were burned up,

Yet all lives. 

Comrade in mystery,

Hear; this long-suffering heart

Sets sail beyond all horrors.

And you who after me,

Even in ignorance,

Wend this strange way.

'tis grey there,

With greyness it pierces, being,

Grey are the eyes of mystery.

And when the trees die,

Nor sadness nor recovery, the dry leaf

Strangely with silence carresses

The sufferer's forehead.

(Edward Goy)