Šta Sanjam I Šta Mi Se Događa 10

Šta Sanjam I Šta Mi Se Događa 10

Neizrecivu snagu daju duhu i telu

ćutanje, ponos nikad ne rečen.

Znam topal miris koji ima svila

ljubavnička, i znam ukočen pogled oproštajni,

i slast, i želju smrti

koja ide kao senka za njom.

Al' veće slasti ne poznadoh od misli:

da je nebo, što sja nad nama kao obećanje,

samo grobnica;

i dostojanstvo jedino

i jedna molitva prava:

oborene oči i usta koja ćute.

Moja me misao ko sjaj nevidljiv vodi

dok sam idem kroz noć i maglu.

What I Dream And What Happens To Me 10

The soul and body get ineffable strength

from silence, pride never spoken.

I know the warm smell of a lover’s

silk, and I know the cold parting stare,

and pleasure, and death’s desire

which follows her like a shadow.

But I know not of a greater pleasure than thought:

that the sky, which shines above us like a promise,

is just a grave;

and dignity alone

and one real prayer:

downcast eyes and silent mouth.

My thought guides me like an invisible light

while alone I go through the night and fog. 

(Translated by Pavle Ninković)