Najmanja Pesma

Najmanja Pesma

Evo najmanje pesme.

Manja je od zrna maka.

U njoj je jedan osmeh

i pismo za jednog decaka.

Ako znas ko ga salje

- sta da ti pricam dalje.

Ako ne znas ko salje

- sta te se tice dalje.

The Smallest Poem

This is the smallest poem. 

It’s smaller then the smallest toy. 

There is a smile in it 

and a letter for a boy. 

If you know who wrote it-- 

I don't need to tell you any more. 

If you don’t know who wrote it-- 

you don't need to know any more.

(Translation: Dragana Konstantinovic)

The Smallest Poem

Here is the smallest poem.

Smaller than the smallest toy.

In it is a smile

And a letter for a boy.

If you know who sent it

- there's nothing more to add.

And if you don't

- well then that's too bad.

(translated by Pavle Ninkovic)

The Smallest Poem

Here is the smallest poem

smaller than a very small toy

It has got a smile in it,

bringing a letter to a boy

If you could guess who sent it ,

- consider my story ended.

If you don't know who's sending

- none of your business, the ending.

(Translated by Slobodan Cekic, za Meju <3)