Ljubav poezije

Ljubav poezije

Ja volim sreću koja nije srećna

Pesmu koja miri zavađene reči

Slobodu koja ima svoje robove

I usnu koja se kupuje za poljubac

Ja volim reč o koju se otimaju dve slike

I sliku nacrtanu na očnom kapku iznutra

Cvetove koji se prepiru sa vremenom

U ime budućih plodova i prolećne časti

Ja volim sve što se kreće jer sve što se kreće

Kreće se po zakonima mirovanja i smrti

Volim sve istine koje nisu obavezne

Ja volim jučerašnje nežnosti

Da kažem svome telu "dosta" i da sanjam bilje

Prste oči sluh drugačije raspoređene

Ušumi negoli u telu

Love of poetry

I love happiness that is not happy

Poem that reconciles two words at war

Freedom that has its slaves

And lips that sell for a kiss

I love the word for which two pictures are fighting

And a picture drawn on the inside of the eyelid

Flowers arguing with time

In the name of future fruit and the honour of the spring

I love everything that moves for everything that moves

Moves by the laws of the quiescence and death

I love all the truths that aren't compulsory

For actual truth is shy as a flower

I love yesterday's tenderness

To tell my own body "enough" and dream of plants

Fingers eyes and hearing differently organized

In the forest than in body

(Translated by Aleksandra Milanović)