Sudbina pesnika

Sada je to još uvek opasnost koja peva Plamen koji prozirnost proglašava za prijateljstvo Muzikalnije ptice umaknu sudbini Ali umaknu i rečima Reči greše pesma se stvara Drugačije niko nije postao pesnik Svet s deli na one koji su zapevali I one koji su ostali robovi Ali dolazi dan velikog oslobođenja Pesme će se otvoriti ko tamnice Pesnici će biti uništeni Pesme će biti prilagođene Kad narod otkrije tajnu kako se postaje velik

Trgovi će ostati bez spomenika

Nekad samo pesnicama dostupne tajne

Biće proglašene svojinom naroda

Sudbina pesnika

Destiny Of A Poet

At this time it is still danger that is singing

Flame that claims transparency

for friendship

Melodic birds escape the destiny

But they escape the words as well

As words sin the poem is born

There is no other way to become a poet

The world is divided into those who sing

And those who remain slaves

But the day of great liberation will come

The poems will open as dungeons

The poets will be destroyed

The poems will be adapted

When people discover a secret of how you become


The squares will be left without monuments

The secrets once known only to poets

Shall belong to the people

(Translated by Aleksandra Milanović)