Noćas se moje čelo žari


Noćas se moje čelo žari

noćas se moje vjeđe pote;

a moje misli san ozari,

umrijet ću noćas od ljepote.

Duša je strasna u dubini,

ona je zublja u dnu noći;

plačimo, plačimo u tišini,

umrimo, umrimo u samoći.


Tonight my forehead is hot, agleam,

tonight my eyebrows are sweating;

and my thoughts are lit up by a dream,

the beauty shall kill me this evening.

The soul is intense in it's deepness,

it's a torch at the night's conclusion;

let us weep, let us weep in the stillness,

let us die, let us die in seclusion.

 (Translated by Slobodan Cekić)

 ♥ For my daughter Mirjana, who helped me.


Tonight my forehead is white-hot,

Tonight my eyebrows all perspire

And a dream lights up my thought,

Of beauty tonight I shall expire!

The soul is passionate in its core,

It’s a torch in the deep of night,

Let us weep, weep without roar,

Let us die, die alone, out of sight!

(translated by Božica Cvjetković)