

Neka me nedostojnog vetar obavije

Žalbo crnih ptica i tužne pohvale

Nekoga sveta teške sene pale

Šta je to što se u dnu pesme krije?

Lepi moj dane s dušom elegije

Tražim početak sjaj i sate stale

Kad su ti dve tužne ptice večnost dale

Pred vratima iza kojih prostor gnjije.

Tu izgubljeno sećanje pustinju hrani.

I kraj vatre kojom ne hrane se dani

Zakopani lelek i nenađeno blago stoje.

Ljubavi moja mrtva a ipak živa

O sve što prođe večnost jedna biva

I nema mene al ima ljubavi moje.

Main Roads

May I unworthy be wrapped in a wind

Grievance of black birds, sad ode and a tear

Heavy shadows of some other world, that fell

What's that hiding at the bottom of the poem.

My beautiful day with elegy's heart

I search for beginning, glow and hours that ceased

When two sad birds gave you eternity

At the door behind which the space rots

The memory lost feeds the desert there.

And by the fire where no day feeds

Non-found treasure and the buried mourn are left.

My love, dead, but yet alive

Oh everything that passes, eternity becomes.

Though I am gone my love still exists.

[Translated by Aleksandra Milanović]