Balada iz predgradja

....I lije na uglu petrolejska lampa Svjetlost crvenkastožutu Na debelo blato kraj staroga plota I dvije, tri cigle na putu. I uvijek ista sirotinja uđe U njezinu svjetlost iz mraka, I s licem na kojem su obično brige Pređe je u par koraka. A jedne večeri nekoga nema,

A moro bi proć;

I lampa gori,

I gori u magli,

I već je noć.

I nema ga sutra, ni prekosutra ne,

I vele da bolestan leži,

I nema ga mjesec,

I nema ga dva,

I zima je već,

I sniježi...

A prolaze kao i dosada ljudi

I maj već miriše---

A njega nema, i nema, i nema ,

I nema ga više

I lije na uglu petrolejska lampa

Svjetlost crvenkastožutu

Na debelo blato kraj staroga plota

I dvije, tri cigle na putu.

Balada iz predgrađa

Suburban Ballad

And it flows in the street corner,

from an oil lantern

the red-yellowish light.

Over the thick mud

near an old rail,

and two-three bricks on the site.

And always the same paupers enter

its light from darkness.

With faces usually full of concern

they cross it in a few steps.

And one evening

someone is not there

though he should pass by the light.

And the lamp burns

and burns in the fog

and it’s already night.

And he’s not there

the next day and the day after.

And they say

that he’s bedridden.

And he doesn’t appear

for a month and another,

and it’s already winter

and the snow’s fallen…

And people keep crossing

and May is in the air -

only he’s been missing,

and he’s been missing,

and there he’s no longer.

And it flows in the street corner

from an oil lantern

the red-yellowish light.

Over the thick mud

near an old rail,

and two-three bricks on the site.

(translated by Bozica Cvjetkovic)