Prolazim Zrinjevcem, dotiče me more

Prolazim Zrinjevcem, dotiče me more

Prolazim Zrinjevcem dotiče me more.
Čujem kliktaj galeba, žamor golog mnoštva.
Brod upravo pristaje uz kavanu Splendid.

To ja možda more u svom srcu nosim
i ono zove drugo more po uskim ulicama.
Nedjelja je; maestral ore opustjele pločnike

Pale se i gase svjetionici duha.
Radost nesputane misli nalazi mjesta
mrtvima i živima.
Napokon se našla zagubljena stoljeća.

Ribe izgovaraju svetu tišinu.
Pa kad i podivlja more,
ne utapa se smisao.
Nevera je očišćenje
od vječne hrvatske žalosti.

Dotiče me more i ja široko pružam
svoje grane.
Svaki korijen zatreperi
nekim srebrom lista.
Javlja se podne s tornja, plima se
diže do krovova.

Veliki smo milijunski brod
koji ne kani odustati.


I pass Zrinjevac, the sea touches me.

I hear the click of a seagull, the murmur of a naked crowd.

The boat is just docking at the Café Splendid.


I may carry the sea in my heart

it too calls another sea along the narrow streets

It is Sunday, the maestral plows the deserted sidewalks.


The beacons of the spirit light up and go out.

The joy of unfettered thought finds a place

for the dead and the living.

The lost centuries are finally found.


The fish utter the sacred silence.

Even when the sea goes wild,

the meaning does not drown.

The storm is the purification

from eternal Croatian grief.


The sea touches me and I stretch wide

my branches.

Every root trembles

With some silver leaf.

Noon calls from the tower, the tide

is rising to the rooftops.


We are a big ship of millions

that has no intention of giving up.

(Translated by Margareta Baksa)