In The Village Of My Ancestors


In The Village Of My Ancestors

One hugs me

One looks at me with wolf-eyes

One takes off his hat

So I can see him better

Each one of them asks me

Do you know who I am

Unknown men and women

Take on the names

Of boys and girls buried in my memory

And I ask one of them

Tell me venerable sir

Is George Wol still alive

That's me he answers

In a voice from the Otherworld

I stroke his cheek with my hand

And beg him with my eyes to tell me

If I am still alive too

[Translated by Anthony Weir]

En La Aldea De Mis Ancestros

Alguien me abraza

Alguien me mira con los ojos de un lobo

Alguien se quita el sombrero

para que pueda reconocer mejor su aspecto

Cada uno me pregunta

sabes cómo estoy unido a ti

Desconocidos ancianos y mujeres

se apropian los nombres

de muchachos y muchachas de mi memoria

Le pregunto a uno de ellos

dime por amor de Dios

si George el Lobo todavía vive

Ese soy yo, responde desde un

mundo casi venidero

Yo toco sus mejillas con mi mano

y le imploro con mis ojos

que me diga también si todavía

yo vivo.

©2001 José Alejandro Peña

In The Village Of My Ancestors

Someone embraces me

Someone looks at me with the eyes of a wolf

Someone takes off his hat

So I can see him better

Everyone asks me

Do you know how I'm related to you

Unknown old men and women

Appropriate the names

Of young men and women from my memory

I ask one of them

Tell me for God's sake

Is George the Wolf still living

That's me he answers

With a voice from the next world

I touch his cheek with my hand

And beg him with my eyes

To tell me if I'm living too