Došlo Je Leto

Došlo Je Leto

Došlo je leto, dosta mi je svega, i odlazim na pusto ostrvo

Sa svojim Homerom u rukama, da drugujem sa bogovima i herojima

Kad vetar zanjiše grane borova i ustalasa more,

Srebrnoluki Apolon, sovooka Atena i zemljotresac Posejdon

Dođu da se dogovore kome će sada smrsiti konce.

Zaklopim knjigu, i vidim seljake koji su došli

Da napoje mazge što žedne mesece provode na ostrvu.

A kada se ukrcaju u čamce, i zvuk motora nestane za njima,

nastavljam da čitam Homera i slušam vetar što će se začas

Ponovo pretvoriti u glasove bogova

Koje će odmah zatim raspršiti na pučinu.

[Iz knjige Stare i nove pesme, KZNS, Gradina, Novi Sad, Niš, 1988.]

Summer Has Come

Summer has come, enough is enough and I'm off to a lonely island, 

Homer in hand to keep company with gods and heroes. 

When the wind sways the pine branches and ruffles the sea, 

Apollo silver-bow, owl-eye Athena and earth-shaker Poseidon

Arrive to bargain out whose downfall's next in line. 

I close the book and see the villagers bringing water

To mules that pass the thirsty months here on the island. 

Back in their boats, the sound of motors fades, 

I go on reading Homer and at once the wind

Again becomes the voice of the gods

Soon to disperse across the open sea. 

(Translated by Bernard Johnson)

Summer's Here

Summer's here, I've had enough, so I'm leaving for some deserted island

With my Homer in my hands, to hang out with the gods and heroes

When the wind swings the pine branches and ruffles the sea,

Apollo of the silver bow, owl-eyed Athena and the earth-shaker Poseidon

Come to discuss whose threads to entangle next.

I close the book, and see that peasants have arrived

To let their mules drink after many thirsty months on the island. 

And when they board the boats, and the sound of the motors disappears after them, 

I continue to read Homer and listen to the wind which will quickly

Turn once again into the voices of the gods

Which will then instantly scatter across the sea.

(Translated by Pavle Ninković)