Približavanje oluje

Približavanje oluje

Pogledaj one oblake, Vera, zašto šutiš

Nisam, zaboga, životinja, ali evo kiše

Kako je naglo zahladnjelo

Daleko smo od grada

U redu, Vera, nikad neću zaboraviti što si mi


Mi smo sada jedno i čemu govoriti

Žuti oblaci obično donesu tuču

Sve je već nijemo, zrikavci i žito

Ako ti želiš, možemo i ostati

Bojim se za tebe, za mene je svejedno

Gromovi su opasni u poljima

A mi smo sada najviši (i tako prokleto sami)

Mnogi će ratar večeras kukati nad zrnjem rasutim

iz klasja

Ne bih mogao pristati da toliko ovisim o


Ne plači, Vera, to su samo živci

I oni slute oluju

Kažem ti, život je u svemu mnogo jednostavniji

Evo i prvih kapi, sad će početi urnebes

Zakopčaj haljinu, gle se i cvijeće zatvara

Ne bih si oprostio da ti se nešto dogodi

Dakako, ovo će mjesto u mojem sjećanju ostati


Molim te brže koračaj i nemoj se osvrtati 

The nearing of the storm

Look at those clouds, Vera, why are you quiet

I am not, for God’s sake, an animal, but here is the rain

How cold it suddenly became

We are far from the city

Okay, Vera, I will never forget what you

gifted me

We are now one and why should we speak

Yellow clouds usually bring hail

Everything is already silent, crickets and grain

If you want, we can also stay

I'm afraid for you, it doesn't matter for me

Thunder is dangerous in the fields

And we are now the tallest (and so damn alone)

Many  a farmer will weep tonight over grain scattered

from the ears

I could never accept being so dependent on


Don't cry, Vera, it is just nerves

They too sense the storm

I'm telling you, life is much simpler in everything

Here come the first drops, now the commotion will begin

Button up your dress, look the flowers are even closing

I could not forgive myself if something were to happen to you

Certainly, this place will remain sacred

in my memory

Please walk faster and do not look back

(translated by Margareta Baksa)