Početak sna

Početak sna

Neka me nedostojnog vetar obavije

Kulo s vrhom van vremena na koju dišem

Tesno je nebu u ptici ptici još više

Moje izdvojeno oko van glave bdije.

Oduzimam svetu ime da ga u predstvarnost


Kad ništa ne počinje jer nema mesta više

Kad noć od uspavanih sila i smrtonosne kiše

Zveri šumom uklete i mene snom ubije.

Čistom vatrom gonjen o šta ću sa onim

Što sam video i čuo kada nenađen ronim

U prostor pre reči gde trune moja glava

Kada letim i ne mičem se ko čovek koji spava

Ružo bez sraha, suzo, odbegli ždrale,

Žalbo crnih ptica i tužne pohvale?

Beginning of a dream

May I unworthy be wrapped in a wind

O Tower that I breathe on, that ends beyond time

Sky feels tight in a bird, bird even more so

My separate eye watches outside of head.

I take away the name from the world

to hide it in pre-existence

Where nothing starts, for there's no space no more

when animals that forest's curse bore, and myself

are killed with a dream by

Night of deadly rain and a slumbering force.

Haunted by pure fire, oh what to do

with what I heard and saw when unfound I dive into

space before words where my head rot

When I fly and as a man that sleeps I move not

Runaway crane, rose with no fear,

grievance of black birds, sad ode, and a tear!

(Translated by Aleksandra Milanović)