Zapis na pragu

Zapis na pragu

Ove pjesme to nisam ja, iako sam ih ja napisao.

Ovi jauci, to nisam ja, premda sam ih zbilja uzdisao.

Moj pravi život, ja sam samo disao.

Jer ja živim i kad pjesma umre. Ja živim i kad patnja mine.

Ima u meni nemira dragog, a ima i moje širine.

Ja puštam i drugog da govori za me.

A i sam govorim druge same.

Ja ne marim čovjek biti ako sam umio ljude bogovski reći.

O, ja.

Ja sam od sebe i manji i veći.

O, ja.

Moj drugi i moj treći.

Ja ne sanjam o sreći. No ne sumnjam o sreći.

Gle ovog dvojstva i trojstva moga:

ima u meni tmine,

no ima u meni i vedrine,

i moja divna sloga.

A Record on the Doorstep

These poems - it's not me,

even though I wrote them.

These moans, it's not me,

though I really sighed them.

My real life, I was just breathing.

Because I also live

when the song dies.

I also live when the suffering passes.

There is a dear unrest in me,

and there is my width.

I let another speak for me.

And I speak other ones themself.

I don't care to be a man

if I can speak a man in a divine way.

Oh, me.

I am

than myself

both smaller and greater.

Oh, me.

My second and my third.

I don't dream of happiness.

But I have no doubt about happiness.

Look at this duality and my trinity:

there is darkness in me,

but there are serenity in me,

and my divine


Translated by Gordana Janjušević Leković, 2019

A Record on the Doorstep

These poems - it's not me, even though I wrote them.

These moans, it's not me, though I really sighed them.

My real life, I was just breathing.

Because I also live when the song dies. I live when the suffering passes.

There is a dear unrest in me, and there is my width.

I let another speak for me.

And I speak other ones myself.

I don't care to be a man if I can speak a man in a divine way.

Oh, me.

I am than myself both smaller and greater.

Oh, me.

My second and my third.

I don't dream of happiness. But I have no doubt about happiness.

Look at this duality and my trinity:

there is darkness in me,

but there are serenity in me,

and my divine


Translated by Gordana Janjušević Leković, 2019