

A jutros su me izveli na sunce.

Jarboli nekog broda iza zida,

puni i dobri sunčani minuti,

i ništa više ne vidješe oči.

Al’ samo miso da tim suncem

blješte i tvoji obasjani puti –

i ko topljeno zlato očnjeg vida

suza za suzom stade da se toči.

Zaklopih oči.

Mračna i vlažna, kad se vratih, bješe

ćelija moja, a stražar sa mačem

i licem onih koji nekog tješe –

mišljaše, jadan, da od sunca plačem.

(Split (stari zatvor), 8. VIII 1914)

A Promenade

This morning they took me out into the sun. 


The masts of some ship behind the wall,

good and satisfying sunny minutes, 

and nothing else to be seen.

But just the thought that by that same sun

your glowing paths are also lit -

and like the liquid gold of eyesight

the tears followed in a steady stream.

I closed my eyes. 


When I returned, i found my cell

dark and damp, and the guard - with his sword

and a consoling face - 

thought, the poor thing, that I was weeping for the sun.

(Split (old prison), 8, VIII 1914)

(Translated by Pavle Ninković)