Ispaštanje sna

Ispaštanje sna

Kad su ti dve tužne ptice večnost dale

Strpljivost prostora i svoj lik po kazni,

Glavo niz crne stube u neprolazni

Dan patnje, kakve se vatre rasplamsale?

U dnu je sunce i vreme je vatra. Ždrale,

Gde mu je odjek u snu il smrti? Porazni

Svedoci mora i promena ispraznih

Usnuše mir i skameniše vale.

Svet pretvoren u vreme otet zlome zmaju

Mirovanjem vatre i bolne nejasnosti. Grade

Nema osuđenih noćas svi sanjaju

U vrtovima gde raste nepovrat i paprat, i nade

Nema, ali nema ni straha od zmije

Pred vratima iza kojih prostor gnjije.


When two sad birds gave you eternity

Patience of space and as punishment it's face

Oh Head, down the black ladder

into everlasting misery's day

what kind of fire did evoke they?

At the bottom there's the Sun

And fire is the time. Crane,

Where is it's echo, in dream or in death? Defeated

Witnesses of a sea and pointless change

Dreamed of peace and froze the wave.

World turned into time, stolen from an evil dragon

By steady fire and a painful haze. Build

There is no convicts tonight - everyone’s dreaming

In the gardens where nevermore grow and the moss,

there is no hope, nor fear of the snake

At the door behind which

the space rots.

(Translated by Aleksandra Milanović)