Poezija i ontologija

Poezija i ontologija

U pesmi reči moraju da postignu svoju vlastitu realnost. To znači da nas pesma mora osloboditi prisustva stvari, koje treba samo da se predstave i odmah zatim iščeznu, kao miris. U tome smislu pesnička slika je početak odsutnosti stvari i sveta, a metafora i alegorija suštinsko određivanje te nastale praznine. Tako život i svet bivaju zamenjeni poezijom. Ali isto tako, samo na ovaj način, poezija može stvarno postati svet i život. Pesnička slika negira samu sebe i osporava se. Poezija postaje negativna ontologija. Ono što se misli i kaže uzima se kao nešto stvarno, ali stvarno u svojoj odsutnosti, koja je prisutnost beskrajno udaljena. Moći se udaljiti i pri tom ostati veran onome od čega se udaljilo, znači moći biti pesnik. Jer poezija je u stvari sećanje, pesnik je onaj koji se seća onog što je sada, a što bi ga, kao takvo, kao čista neposrednost ubilo. Zaista, za pesnika ne postoji sadašnjost; postoji samo ono što će biti i ono što je već bilo. Taj prazni prostor, to bezvreme, između dva vremena, to je poetski prostor, oblik uspomene, koja čeka da bude ispunjena. Samo u tom vakumu reči mogu istinske i istinskije od svega stvarnog. U toj pesničkoj praznini reč višnja procveta lepše nego što će ikada cvetati višnja na ovoj zemlji. To je ono mesto gde je muzika jača od stvarnosti i ime veće od stvari koju pretpostavlja. Samo na ovom pustom mestu moguća je poezija, poezija koja stvara oset, tako što sama postaje perceptibilna kao nešto objektivno. Još je Bodler definisao poeziju kao "percepciju odnosa". Ali šta to znači: percipirati odnose? To znači zamišljati stvari u njihovoj odsutnosti, suptituisati mrtvom metafizičkom biću njegovo istinisko i živo nebiće. Uzeti stvar u njenom nebiću, znači udaljavati se od nje, do njenog preobražaja, do njene prisutnosti na drugom mestu. To manjkanje stvari u njoj samoj jeste još neodređeni poetski prostor. Za samu poeziju to bi značilo da je pesma beskrajno udaljavanje od onoga što je u njoj. Jer: poezija je oset o tome da su stvari iščezle. Ili, tačnije, poezija stvara oset odsutne realnosti. Oset koji poezija stvara je praznina. Definicija poezije kao negativne ontologije je protivurečna, ali nije nemoguća.

Poetry as Ontology

In a poem, words must reach their own reality. It means that the poem must free us from the attendance of things, which must only be represented and then immediately disappear, as if they were a smell. With this meaning, a poetic image is the beginning of the absence of things and the world, and in which metaphors and allegories are the essences of the created emptiness. This way, life and world are being replaced with poetry. But in the same way, only in this way, poetry can really become life and world. The poetic image negates itself and denies itself. Poetry becomes negative ontology. That which is being thought and said of becomes real but real in its absence, which presence is infinitely away. To be able to depart and to be faithful from the departed means being able to be a poet, because poetry is in essence memory, the poet is the one which remembers what is now, which would, as a directly-in-itself, kill him. Really, for a poet there doesn't exist a present; there exists only that which will and what has happened. This empty space, this un-time, between two times, is the poetic space, a form of memory which awaits being filled out. Only in this vacuum can words be honest and more honest than anything real. In this poetic emptiness the word cherry blossoms more beautiful than a cherry on this world. It is the space where music is stronger than reality and a name bigger than the thing it represents. Only in this desolate place is the poetry, poetry of feeling which through itself becomes precipitated as objective, birthed. Even Baudelaire defined poetry as “perception of relations.” But what does it mean to perceive relations? It means imagining things in their absence, substituting the dead metaphysical being his true and living non-being. Taking a thing in her non-being means distancing yourself from her, until her metamorphosis, until her presence is in another place. This missing of things in themselves is still the undefined poetic space. For poetry alone that would mean that a poem is infinitely far from the thing in the poem itself. Because poetry is the feeling of things being absent. Or, more precise, poetry creates the feeling of absent reality. The feeling that poetry creates is emptiness. The definition of poetry as negative ontology is contradictory, but not impossible.

(translated by Miloš P.)