Najljubavnija pesma

Najljubavnija pesma

Ovo je zaista najljubavnija pesma, 

a ni reči o ljubavi. 

Svim pajacima i lutkama otkinute su glave 

i oni tako leže u ćošku 


i bačeni. 

Neko u ovoj sobi više neće da bude dete. 

Neko u ovoj sobi tri dana ne može da ruča. 

Neko u ovoj sobi samo ćuti, 


i gleda kroz prozor kako jesen sa lišćem i vetrom 

putuje preko pokislih gradskih krovova 

za pticama. 

Ovo je zaista najljubavnija pesma, 

a ni reči o ljubavi.

The Greatest Love Poem

This is indeed the greatest love poem, 

yet there is not a word about love. 

All jumping-jacks and dolls have their heads 

severed and they lay so in the corner 


and thrown away. 

Someone in this room does not want to be a child any more. 

Someone in this room cannot eat for three days. 

Someone in this room just keeps silent, 


and stares through the window as autumn with leaves and wind 

travels over rain-soaked city roofs 

following birds. 

This is indeed the greatest love poem, 

yet there is not a word about love.


The Most Lovesomest Love Poem

This really is the most lovesomest love poem,

and not a word about love.

All the dolls have had their heads torn off

and they lie in the corner


and discarded.

Someone in this room wants to be a child no more.

Someone in this room hasn't eaten for three days straight.

Someone in this room is simply mute,


and watches from their window how autumn follows the birds

passing with the leaves and the wind

over the city roofs wet from rain.

This really is the most lovesome love poem,

and not a word about love.

(Translated by Pavle Ninkovic)