
OpomenaCuj, recu cu ti svoju tajnu:

ne ostavljaj me nikad samu

kad neko svira.

Mogu mi se uciniti

duboke i meke

oci neke

sasvim obicne.

Moze mi se uciniti

da tonem u zvuke,

pa cu ruke

svakom pruziti.

Moze mi se uciniti

lepo i lako

voleti kratko

za jedan dan.

Ili mogu kom reci u tome

casu cudesno sjajnu

predragu mi tajnu

koliko te volim.

O, ne ostavljaj me nikad samu

kad neko svira.

Ucinice mi se negde u sumi

ponovo sve moje suze teku

kroz samonikle neke cesme.

Ucinice mi se crn leptir jedan

po teskoj vodi krilom sara

sto nekad neko reci mi ne sme.

Ucinice mi se negde kroz tamu

neko peva i gorkim cvetom

u neprebolnu ranu srca dira.

O, ne ostavljaj me nikad samu,

nikad samu,

kad neko svira.


Listen, I'll tell you my secret: 

Never leave me alone 

when music plays. 

It could seem to me 

that some eyes gray 

are so deep and soft, 

the eyes that are actually plain. 

It could seem to me 

that I dive into the sound 

and I could give my hands 

to anyone around. 

It could seem to me 

so easy, so gay 

to love someone 

for only one day. 

Or, I could tell someone 

my dearest, 

magically growing secret 

how much I love you. 

Oh, never leave me alone 

when music plays. 

It could seem to me that again, 

somewhere in a forest, 

my tears flow through a new well. 

It could seem to me that a black butterfly 

makes patterns on heavy water-- 

those that no one feels free to tell. 

It could seem to me that somewhere in the dark zone 

someone sings and with a bitter flower 

touches my heart where the incurable wound stays. 

Oh, never leave me alone, 

never alone, 

when music plays.

(Translated by Dragana Konstantinovic)