Jovan Hristić

Jovan Hristić (26 August 1933, Belgrade – 20 June 2002, Sremska Mitrovica) was one of the most respected and unobtrusively influential figures to emerge in Serbian letters in the last half century. Philosopher, playwrite, literary and theatre critic and commentator, poet, for many years he worked as a literary editor.

His influence on what Nolit published and hence a part of what eventually became available to the Belgrade reading public was by no means insignificant. But most probably it is his poetry that will live on and maintain his reputation as a writer.

His poetic output was not large and he tended to keep his writing of verse in a separate compartment from his other „more serious“ activities. Yet his poetic mode of expression, idiom and style are highly characteristic and mark him out clearly from others of his generation. His poetry is centred on the Classical world of Greece, on the Adriatic and Aegean seas and on boats, seafaring and the nostalgia of past voyages. At the same time he presents with sometimes startling imagery a philosopher's meditations on the metaphysical questions of being and the meaning of an individual life, in his last poems with the urgency of the awareness of its approaching end.