Zašt' je vojska ućutala

Zašt' je vojska ućutala

Igrala se deca mala boja i vojnika,

a u boju ima uvek vike i usklika.

Dušmana su nadjačali, grad su mu oteli;

pobeda je njina bila, njom su se zaneli.

Pa eto ih, vratiše se još od boja vrući,

vratiše se pod zastavom kući pevajući.

Al' u sobu kad uđoše sa teškoga puta,

najedared cela vojska ko nema zaćuta.

Mogao bi čovek čuti kako raste trava.

A zašto su ućutali? - Mali braca spava!

Why The Army Became Quiet

Some said they did but play at war,—

    How that may be, ah! who can tell?

I know the gallant army corps

    Upon their fleeing foemen fell,

And sacked their camp, and took their town,

And won both victory and renown.

Now home returning, wild with song,

    They come, the colors flying free.

But as within the door they throng,

Why does the army suddenly

    Hush the fierce din, and silence keep?—

Why, little brother is asleep.

(Translated by Nikola Tesla and Robert Underwood Johnson)