

Ne merim više vreme na sate,

ni po sunčevom vrelom hodu;

dan mi je kad njegove se oči vrate,

a noć kad ponovo od mene odu.

Ne merim sreću smehom, ni time

da li je čežnja moja od njegove jača;

sreća je meni kad bolno ćutim s njime,

i kad nam srca biju ritmom plača.

Nije mi žao što će života vode

odneti i kaplju moga življenja;

sad neka mladost i sve neka ode;

on je stao kraj mene pun divljenja.

I no longer watch the hands turn,nor track the sun’s hot path; day is here when his eyes return, and night again when they depart. Joy does not mean laughter, and his yearning outweighing mine; joy to me is when we’re silent, and our hearts in tandem chime. I do not rue that life’s rivers will carry off my own life’s drop;

now blast youth and all to smither’s;

enthralled beside me he has stopped.

(Translated by Pavle Ninković) 
