Kroz tmušu

Kroz tmušu

Beše to u vreme kad me napusti volja

I kad sam, kao magla koja se vuče preko polja,

Išao bez cilja gradskim ulicama

U starom kaputu i pocepanim cipelama,

Nikoga ne sretoh na svome putu,

Videh samo nju tuđom rukom ogrnutu

Ispod drvoreda, ode u veče sinje...

Starim, a srce mi osta detinje.

Gledao sam grad kako se niz obronke ruši

Zavejan lišćem i svetiljkama u jesenjoj tmuši,

Išao sam između šupljih i oljuštenih zgrada,

Osećao mrak kako na mene pada,

Čuo sam samo vetar, kao nečiju ruku preko klavira,

Kako u golim granama crnog drvoreda svira.

Through Dimness

It was at the time when I lost all my will

And when, like a fog dragging itself over a field,

I walked aimlessly the city streets

In an old coat and worn-out half-boots,

I met no one on my way, as I went,

And saw her only, with someone else's arm caped,

Under a colonnade, she left into that dusk blueish...

Am getting old, but my heart is still childish.

I looked at the city as it crashes down a steepness,

Strewn over by the leaves and lights in an autumn dimness,

I went among many a hollow and peeled-off building,

feeling the darkness on myself falling,

I heard only the wind, like someone's hand in a piano glissade,

Playing in those barren  branches of the long black colonnade.

(Translated by Slobodan Cekić)

  za Meju <3