Tražim ulicu za svoje ime

Tražim ulicu za svoje ime

Šetam gradom naše mladosti

i tražim ulicu za svoje ime.

Velike, bučne ulice –

njih prepuštam velikanima istorije.

Šta sam radio dok je trajala istorija?

Prosto tebe volio.

Malu ulicu tražim, običnu, svakodnevnu,

kojom se, neopaženi od svijeta,

možemo i prošetati poslije smrti.

U početku ona ne mora imati mnogo zelenila,

čak ni svoje ptice.

Važno je da u njoj, bježeći pred hajkom,

uvijek mognu da se sklone i covjek i pas.

Bilo bi lijepo da bude popločana,

ali, na kraju, ni to nije ono najvažnije.

Najvažnije je to

da u ulici s mojim imenom

nikada nikog ne zadesi nesreća.

Searching for a street to bear my name

I walk through the city of our youth

searching for a street to bear my name.

The wide, noisy streets –

I leave to the titans of history.

What was I doing while history marched on?

Simply loving you.

I’m searching for a small, modest, everyday street,

through which, quite unseen,

we can wander after death.

At first it needn’t be too green,

nor even have its own birds.

What matters is that in it

every fleeing man or dog may find shelter.

It would be nice if it were paved,

but in the end, that’s not what matters most.

What matters is

that in the street that bears my name

no one ever comes to any harm.

(Translated by Una Dimitrijevic)