Zvezdoznančeva ostavština

Zvezdoznančeva ostavština

Ostale su za njim njegove reči

Lepše nego svet

Niko ne sme u njih da se zagleda

Čekaju na okukama vremena

Veće nego ljudi

Ko može da ih izgovori

Leže na mutavoj zemlji

Teže nego kosti života

Smrti nije pošlo za rukom

U miraz da ih odnese

Niko ne može da ih podigne

Niko da ih obori

Zvezde padalice glave sklanjaju

U senke njegovih reči

The Stargazer's Legacy

His words were left after him

More beautiful than the world

No one dares to look at them long

They wait around time's turnings

Greater than men

Who can pronounce them

They lie on the mute earth

Heavier than the bones of life

Death wasn't able

To carry off as dowry

No one can lift them

No one can drop them

The falling stars tuck their heads

In the shadows of his words

(translated by Charles Simic)