Pohvala bilju

Pohvala bilju


Došle su iz jednog sažetog dana nepoznate i poznate

Snebivljive u našoj upotrebi mnogobrojne biljke

Čine vidljivom liniju kojom se graniči izmišljeno i stvarno

Svuda gde ima minerala i vazduha vode i mašte

Biljke koje nam probadaju telo zračnim kopljima mirisa

Koje nas zaustavljaju otrovom i produžuju belančevinom

Skupljaju nas po svetu i hrane našu iznemoglost

Iz zemlje zaključane pred našim moćima

Vade neophodna blaga iz zatvorene brazde

Iz crne brave za koju nema drugog ključa osim bilja

O vrlo smele i inventivne biljke

Sve što pronađu nesebično pokažu

Stoje između nas i praznine kao najlepša ograda

Biljke što žderu prazninu i vraćaju nam vazduh


Iznalaze puteve između krajnosti: između minerala u kome nikada nije noć, gde sunce ne zalazi, gde je simetrija stalna i našega srca

One rastu van jave pa nam se onda jave

Čine paralelnim prošlost i budućnost i staraju se da ne bude više mrtve stvarnosti nego žive nestvarnosti

Idu do smrti i natrag i čine vreme potrebnim

Pomešaju dan i noć i začnu slatke plodove

Pripremaju ljubav


Tu sve počinje ako u njima zaista ima prilagođene svetlosti

(Tamo gde ne posreduju između nas i našega sunca pustinja je)

One stvaraju svet pre njegove očiglednosti pre prvoga dana

Cvetaju ptice na granama ljudi od gline otvaraju stabla i uzimaju otud srce slično ruži

One su najmanje izmišljene

Ne menjaju nedelju za ponedeljak


Dva sveta je izmišljaju: podzemni i onaj čiji je dan imitacija nevidljivog sunca

Biljka sa korenom izvan ovog sveta

Otvara vetar i ulazi u prazno ne kucajući

Prodre kroz materiju i takne beskraj njen nagovoreni cvet

Njeno biljno iskustvo: presipanje jednog sveta u drugi

Zelene vradžbine biljni đavo cvet a ne svest

Njena bezbolnost dodirnuta čudesnim

Vrati zrno u zaborav

Oslobađa me boga njena providnost

Slična pticama koje preletaju mora

(Konfuzne ptice ne shvatajući prostor)

Njena bezbolnost njen cvet bez pamćenja lišiše je beskraja iako je delo dva sveta

Iako eksploatiše jednu supstancu nimalo konkretnu u dubinama dana


Izmišljam im imena da žive sa mnom poklanjam im vrt

Približavam ih svojim navikama i potrebama

Koristim se njihovim zaboravom


Ja znam tvoj koren

Ali iz kojeg zrna senka tvoja niče

Biljna lepoto dugo nevidljiva u semenci udaljena

Našla si pod zemljom moju glavu bez tela što sanja istinski san

Zvezde poređane u mahunu

Sve što je stvoreno pesmom i suncem

Između moje odsutnosti i tvojih biljnih ambicija noć

Koja me čini potrebnim i kada me nema

Zeleni mikrofonu moga podzemnog glasa zovo

Što ničeš iz pakla jer nema drugog sunca pod zemljom

O biljko gde su tvoji anđeli slični insektima

I moja krv što vezuje kiseonik i vreme

(Iz knjige Sabrana dela, knjiga 1, Gradina, Niš, 1972.)

Ode to plants


They came from one concise day known and unknown

Bashful in our use, many plants

Making visible the line that divides dream from a day

Any place where there is minerals and water imagination and air

Plants that pierce the body with aery spears of scent

that stop us with their poison and with protein extend

They collect us 'round the world and our exhaustion feed

Of the soil which stays before our powers locked

they dig the needed treasures from the closed crease

From the black lock which takes only plants, no keys

Oh very brave and inventive plants

Everything they find they unselfishly show

Standing between us and the emptiness like the most beautiful fence

Plants that devour emptiness and in turn give breath


They find roads between two extremes: between minerals in which there is no night,

where sun never sets, where symmetry is constant even in our heart

They grow away from real and then they appear

They parallel future and the past making sure there isn't more of the dead real than the living unreal

They make time necessary, go to death and back

Blending day with night, conceiving sweet fruits

Preparing love


That's where it all starts if there really is an adapted light in them

(Where they don't mediate between us and our Sun is the desert)

They create the world before it's obviousness before the first day

Birds bloom in branches people of clay create trees and then take from it heart alike rose

They are the least made up

They don't exchange Sunday for Monday


Two worlds are imagining it: underground and the one whose day is an imitation of the invisible Sun

Plant with a root outside of this world

Opens the wind up and enters the emptiness without knocking

Penetrates the matter and touches eternity, it's persuaded flower

It's floral experience: out-pour of one world into another

Green witchcraft floral devil flower and not mind

It's indolence touched by wonder

Give the seed back to the oblivion

It's transparency releases me of God

Like the birds who cross the sea

(confusing birds not understanding space)

It's indolence it's flower without memory took away eternity though it is an act of the two worlds

Though it exploits one substance not least specific in the depths of day


I name them to live with me, I give them garden

I introduce them to my needs and habits

I use their oblivion


I know your root

But from which seed does your shadow grow

Floral beauty longtime invisible distant in the seed

Underground you found my bodiless head that dreams the true dream

Stars lined into cocoon

Everything that's created with a song and Sun

Between my absence and the night of your floral ambitions

That make me needed even when I'm gone

Green microphone

of my underground voice Black Elder that grows from Hell

For there is no other Sun under ground

Oh plant where are your angels to insects alike

And my blood that ties oxygen and time

(Translated by Aleksandra Milanović)