Kad mi svega bude dosta

Kad mi svega bude dosta

Kad mi svega bude dosta

evo oci, da cu poci

k onome sto dolje osta.

Ne cu cinit vise, bome

ono, sto do sada morah,

sjesti cu pod stari orah

(slican onom pokojnome!)

stol ce prostrt bit bjelinom,

za nj cu sjesti, pa cu jesti

kruh sa sirom, ribu s vinom.

© 1956, Ivan Slamnig

From: Aleja poslije svecanosti

Once I’m fed up, out of my mind

Once I’m fed up, out of my mind,

I bet on my eye, I would drop by

to see the One that stayed behind

I’ll quit on what I did, okay,

I’ll stop with all that burdened me

and sit below that old walnut tree

(that looks like the One that passed away!)

To the table set in white, all fine,

I’ll come to sit, then I will eat

bread and cheese, and fish and wine.

© Translation: 2003, Sibila Petlevski