Šta je najveće

Šta je najveće

Nebo je nešto beskrajno,

duboko i široko,

pa ipak,

kao od šale,

stane u svako oko.

Jer oko je veće,

i veće,

i najveće od svega.

Veće od grada.

Od brega.

I veće od moga tate.

U njemu može da živi

neznanih svetova bezbroj.

U njega ptice dolete.

U njega putevi svrate.

U njega uplove brodovi.

Dogegaju se kuće i trgovi.

U njega dojure autobusi

i dotrče svi moji drugovi.

Jer nebo je kao sva mora.

I još jedanput toliko.

Njega nikada nije

propešacio niko,

ni oplovio niko,

ni obleteo niko.

Jedino ako mama

u moje oko došeta,

tad nema mesta za nebo,

za ptice,

za mora široka,

jer mama je veća od neba

i veća od celoga sveta.

I veća od oba oka.

What's The Greatest Thing Of All

The sky is something endless,

deep and wide,

and yet,

it fits in every eye,

even on its side.

Because the eye is bigger,

and bigger,

and bigger still.

Bigger than the city.

Than the hill.

And bigger than my dad.

Countless unknown worlds

can live inside it.

Birds fly into it.

Paths stray by.

Boats dock into it.

Cities and squares come reeling in.

Buses wiz into it

and all my friends come running.

Because the sky is like all the seas

put together, twofold.

No one has ever 

walked across it,

nor navigated it,

nor flown around it.

Only if my mum

strays into my eye,

then there’s no room for the sky,

for the birds,

for the wide seas,

because mum is greater than the sky

and greater than the entire world.

And greater than both eyes.

(Translated by Pavle Ninković)