Nova godina

Danas je prvi dan, početak. Želim vam da vas ne boli ono što vas je bolelo a da vas voli ono što vas nije volelo. Želim da vam deca budu bolja od vas, da se više vi hvalite njima nego oni vama. Želim da vas dobro služe noge, da na njima provedete veći deo nove godine, da imate više posla nego vremena. Želimo vam da budete potrebniji drugima nego oni vama. Da želite i možete više nego što vam treba a da

sve što vam pretekne podelite sa onima koji ne mogu kao vi.

Nemojte uzimati mnogo više nego što dajete.

Mislite malo na one kojima će morati da uzmu

ono što vama budu dali.

Želimo vam da dobijete stan ako ga nemate ili

da umete da se radujete ako ga već imate.

Da vam ono što imate ne bude manje od

onoga što nemate.

Želimo vam, na kraju, da ova godina ima više sreće

sa vama nego prethodna!

Nova godina

New Year's

Today is the first day, the beginning. 

I wish your old aches to cease 

while new loves increase. 

I wish that your children turn out better than you, 

that you boast of them more than they do of you. 

I wish that your legs serve you well, that you spend 

the greater part of the new year on them, that you have more work 

than you do time. 

We wish that others are in greater need of you 

than you of them.

That you aspire to and can achieve more than you need, and that 

you can share any surplus with those who cannot do the same. 

Do not take much more than you give. 

Think about those who must give up something 

in order for you to have something.

We wish that you get an apartment if you don't already have one 

or that you know how to enjoy it if you do. 

That what you have is not smaller than 

what you do not have. 

We wish, finally, that the year has more luck 

with you this time around.

(Translated by Pavle Ninković)