Nepovratna pesma

Nepovratna pesma

Nikad nemoj da se vracas

kad vec jednom u svet krenes

Nemoj da mi nesto petljas

Nemoj da mi hoces-neces.

I ja bezim bez povratka.

Nikad necu unatrag.

Sta ti znaci staro sunce,

stare staze,

stari prag?

Tu je ono za cim moze da se pati

Tu je ono cemu mozes srce dati.

Al' ako se ikad vratis

moras znati

tu ces stati

I ostati.

Ocima se u svet trci

Glavom rije mlako vece

Od reke se dete uci

ka morima da potece.

Od zvezda se dete uci

da zapara nebo sjajem.

I od druma da se muci

i vijuga za beskrajem.

Opasno je kao zmija

opasno je kao metak

da u tebi vecno klija

i carlija tvoj pocetak.

Ti za koren

nisi stvoren

Ceo svet ti je otvoren.

Ako ti se nekud zuri,

stisni srce i zazmuri.

Al' kad podjes - nemoj stati

Mahni rukom.

I odjuri.

Ko zna kud ces.

Ko zna zasto.

Ko zna sta te tamo ceka.

Ove su zelje uvek belje

kad namignu iz daleka.

Opasno je kao munja

opasno je kao metak

da u tebi vecno kunja

i muci se tvoj pocetak.

Ti si uvek krilat bio

samo si zaboravio.

Zato leti.



Stvaraj zoru kad je vece.

Nek' od tebe zivot uci

da se peni i da tece.

Budi takvo neko cudo

sto ne ume nista malo,

pa kad krenes - kreni ludo,



Ko zna sta te tamo ceka

u maglama iz daleka.

Al' ako se i pozlatis,

il' sve tesko,

gorko platis,

uvek idi samo napred.

Nemoj nikad da se vratis.

Non-Returning Poem

When you start going to the world, 

never look back or go behind. 

"Won't" does not do--"will" is the word, 

the only right word you should find. 

I also run without return. 

I don't look back 'cause I am bold. 

Anyway, what means the old Sun? 

Well known old paths? 

The door-sill that's old? 

All these things you could cherish. 

For these things your heart could run pettish. 

But, if you ever do come back, 

I have to say: 

That's where you'll stay. 

And just stay. 

A boy runs to the world through his eye. 

His head fights all those evening pleas. 

He learns from a river how to fly 

towards the oceans, towards the seas. 

He learns from millions of sparkling stars 

to reach the sky, to gleam and shine. 

He learns from roads how to get scars 

and boldly go further to reach the divine. 

It is dangerous like a snake, 

it is dangerous like a shell 

if my beginning is awake, 

if it's always so good and well. 

And I would like to run wild. 

I hold my heart. 

I shut my eye. 

When I start going I won't look back 

because I'm eager to try to fly. 

I don't know where. 

I don't know why. 

I don't know what's hidden far behind. 

I know that here-- 

as I cross a line, 

they try to smear, 

they try to bind 

all that I find. 

It is dangerous like lightning. 

It's dangerous like a shell 

if my beginning is fighting, 

if it's still so good and well. 

That is why I run away. 

That's why I run. 

That's why I seek. 

I make dawns out of the evening Sun. 

Let the life learn how to flow 

the very same way I have done. 

I'm miraculous in a way-- 

when I start something, I'm not slow; 

when I start, I am eager and gay-- 

my impatience 

and curiousity grow... 

I don't know what will bring a new day 

hidden in those fogs far away; 

but, if I easily get the golden glow, 

or if I have to go through the snow, 

I'll always go onward and only forward. 

I'll never, never, never go back.

[Poezija by Jovica Letic]