Osama na trgu

Osama na trgu

To kuda neprohod im,

čudno mi se otvori put.

To kuda stupaj ih laki,

stuknem, brale.

Plač i smeh vrve u vrevi,

bukću kao smola,

bledi pronose tugu.

I ja bih u vrevi da vrvim,

osama na trgu me snađe,

tišina njinom huku:

kud oni šestarim,

sa rujnih lica štijem lobanje kob.

Prostreli, o prostreli me raba.

Prominu njinom

sablasno ovo ostajanje.

Prostreli, o, prostreli.

Kamen da sam na veki.

Po mojoj senci da mere

smiraje i svitanja

na trgu.

Loneliness On The Square

Whither they have no passage,

Strangely for me a way opens.

Whither their light step,

I step back, little brother.

In the seething swarm tears and


Flare up like tar,

Pale. they hear sadness.

l too would in the seething swarm,

Beset by loneliness on the square,

A silence to their tumult.

Whither they, I stride,

From flushed faces I read the

skull's fate.

Pierce, oh pierce me through, the


to their passing

Spectral this lingering.

Pierce, oh pierce,

That I be eternally a stone.

That by my shadow they measure

Duskings and dawnings"

On the square.

(Edward Goy)