O braku

POŠTO ste se lepo, dobrovoljno i jednoglasno dogovorili da živite u bračnoj zajednici, jer ste svesno i odgovorno zaključili da će vam tako biti i lepše i bolje, mi vam nećemo, kao što je uobičajeno čitati članove Zakona o braku i porodičnim odnosima. 

BRAK se uređuje zakonom samo onda kad ne može drukčije. 

Zbog toga ne dozvolite da vam zakon uređuje brak. 

Uredite ga sami, lepše i humanije nego što bilo koji zakon to može da predvidi. 

ŽELIMO da vam bude lepo, da traje dugo, da se radujete jedno drugom, da živite sa uverenjem da ste danas obavili jedan od najvažnijih i najlepših poslova u životu.

SAVETUJEMO vam da ne žurite, da štedljivo trošite i reči i osećanja.

Nemojte odmah potrošiti sve.

Rasporedite svoju ljubav i uzajamno poštovanje na svaki dan zajedničkog života.

ZAKON kaže da su muž i žena u bračnoj zajednici ravnopravni.

A to može i lepše da se kaže:

Povećajte svoje obaveze da ne biste ugrožavali prava drugih.

U DANAŠNJEM svečanom činu stekli su se ne samo obostrana ljubav već i vaši pojedinačni i zajednički interesi.

BRAK ne može biti cilj.

ON JE samo mogućnost da se vaši drugi interesi lakše i lepše ostvare.

ZATO stalno gradite svoju vezu, proširujte njene granice, ne dajte joj da se začauri, olenji, uspava, da prestane da živi i postoji.

BOGATITE svoj zajednički život, borite se za raznovrsnost života, budite realni i odmereni kad određujete svoje ciljeve i želje, jaki i uporni kad treba da ih ostvarujete.

NE MOŽETE se baviti samo ljubavlju.

Ljubav je lepa samo kad se podrazumeva, kad prati sve ostale naše aktivnosti, kad nam daje snage da se što uspešnije ostvarimo kao ličnosti i članovi društva.

BUDITE ljubomorni, ne jedno na drugo, već na svoj brak.

Čuvajte ga i branite od svih iskušenja, smatrajte ga dragocenim za svoju sudbinu i sreću.

NEKA ovaj dan bude srećan početak vašeg dugog i lepog zajedničkog života.

O braku

On Marriage 

SINCE you have agreed to enter this marriage union happily, with one voice and of your free will, having concluded consciously and responsibly that this will be better and more pleasant for you, contrary to tradition, we're not going to read you legal clauses about marriage and family relations. 

MARRIAGE is governed by law only when it can't be done any other way.

So don’t let law govern your marriage. 

Govern it yourselves, better and more humanely than any law possibly could. 

WE WISH for you to enjoy yourselves, for it to last a long time, for you to delight in one another, to live in the knowledge that today you accomplished one of the most important and wonderful tasks in life. 

OUR ADVICE is to take your time; be sparing with words and feelings. 

Don’t spend them all at once. 

Spread your love and respect for each other across every day of your shared life. 

THE LAW states that in marriage husband and wife are equal.

In other, better, words: 

Take on more responsibilities to not compromise the rights of the other. 

TODAY’S ceremony represents not only your mutual love, but also your individual and common interests. 

MARRIAGE can't be an end in itself. 

RATHER it is an opportunity to realise your other interests more easily and completely. 

SO keep building your relationship, expanding its boundaries, don’t swaddle it or let it grow lazy, tired, don't let it cease to live and to exist. 

ENRICH your life together; fight for a varied life; be realistic and measured when setting your aims and aspirations, and strong and persistent when it comes to realising them. 

YOU CAN'T concern yourselves with love alone. 

Love is beautiful only when it is assumed, when it accompanies everything else we do, when it gives us strength to realise ourselves most fully as individuals and as members of society. 

BE JEALOUS, not of each other, but of your own marriage. 

Protect and defend it from all tribulations, consider it precious for your future and your happiness. 

LET this day be the happy beginning of your long and wonderful life together.

(Translated by Pavle Ninković)

On Marriage 

SINCE you nicely, freely and unanimously agreed to live in a union of marriage, because you consciously and responsibly decided that it would be nicer and better for you, we will not, as is customary, read you the articles of the Law on Marriage and Family Relations.

MARRIAGE is governed by law only when this can't be done otherwise.

So don’t let law govern your marriage. 

Govern it yourselves, better and more humanely than any law possibly could. 

WE WISH for you to enjoy yourselves, for it to last a long time, for you to rejoice in one another, to live in the knowledge that today you accomplished one of the most important and lovely tasks in life. 

WE ADVISE you not to rush; to use your words and feelings sparingly. 

Don’t spend them all at once. 

Spread your love and mutual respect across every day of your shared life. 

THE LAW states that in marriage husband and wife are equal.

In other, better, words: 

Take on more responsibilities so as not to compromise the rights of others. 

TODAY’S solemn act secured not only your mutual love, but also your individual and your common interests. 

MARRIAGE can't be an end in itself. 

IT IS simply an opportunity to realise your other interests more easily and more completely. 

SO keep building your relationship, expand its boundaries, don’t let it become withdrawn, stagnant, drowsy, to cease to live and to exist. 

AUGMENT your shared life; fight for a varied life; be realistic and measured when determining your aims and aspirations, and strong and persistent when it comes to realising them. 

YOU CAN'T concern yourselves with love alone. 

Love is beautiful only when it is assumed, when it follows all our other activities, when it gives us strength to actualise ourselves with the greatest success as personalities and as members of society. 

BE JEALOUS, not of one another, but of your own marriage. 

Protect and defend it from all tribulations, consider it precious for your future and happiness. 

LET this day be the happy beginning of your long and wonderful life together.

(Translated by Pavle Ninković)