Pohvala Vatri

Text Box


Ona nema nikoga

osim sunca i mene


Ona se ukazuje lutalici

ukazuje se lukavom

ukazuje se zaljubljenom

Nista nije izgubljeno u vatri

samo je sazeto


Na krajevima vatre

predmeti koji ne svetle

niti se necim drugim odlikuju

traju u tudjem vremenu

Ptica koja sama cini jato

iz nje izlece

Uzmite saku svezeg pepela

ili bilo cega sto je proslo

i videcete da je to jos uvek vatra

ili da to moze biti

Ode to Fire


She has noone

but the sun and myself


She appears to the wonderer

she appears to the cunning

she appears to the lover

Nothing is lost in fire

Merely reduced to its essence


At fire's edges

objects which do not shine

nor distinguish themselves in any way

go on in borrowed time

From her shoots the bird

that is a flock onto itself

Take a handful of fresh ash

or anything which has passed

and you'll see that it is still fire

or that it could be