Oprosti kamenu što ćuti

Oпрости kамену што ћути

Oпрости камену што ћути

Опрости што тајну сакрива:

Како ти се над умом слива

Самоћа и теку минути

Кап по кап у празан круг

Што се шири ко вид пред страхом.

Опрости птици која и дахом

Хоће да ти постане друг.

Опрости сенци што те прати

И ветру што те у круг води.

Загледај се у танке влати

И реци нечем малом: ходи

Шумно као што птице слете

Са плавог мира на сунцокрете.

Forgive The Stone Its Silence

Forgive the stone its silence

Forgive it for keeping a secret:

How loneliness pours over

Your mind and the minutes pass

Drop by drop into an empty circle

That expands like a fearful eye.

Forgive the bird that with its breath

Wants to be your friend.

Forgive your shadow for following you

And the wind for leading you in circles.

Stare at the narrow blades

And say to something small: come

With a flutter like that of birds descending

On sunflowers from a blue calm.

(Translated by Pavle Ninković)

Forgive The Stone Its Silence

Forgive the stone its silence

Forgive it for keeping a secret

How loneliness creeps in and

The time climbs over the fence

Into an empty circle drop by drop

Expanding like a fearful eye

Forgive the bird that with each sigh

Wants to be your friend. 

Forgive the company of your shadow

And the wind that holds you to ransom

Take a look at the meadow

And say to something small: come

Gently, as the birds do land

From the blue calm onto the sand.