Pripovedanje ljubavi

Pripovedanje ljubavi

Nema mene al ima ljubavi moje;

Vidim je u suncu i zemlji gde nam trunu kosti.

Dovršava se dan u njenoj zahvalnosti

Slično muzici slično praznini, spokojem.

Ona će sačuvati namere moje i tvoje

I vaskrsnuće mrtve rođendane po milosti.

U podnožju vetra nemerljiva sen oholosti

Nestaće u pepelu onih što više ne postoje.

U pusto srce u mrtvo vreme me zovi,

Minula čežnjo, da se svet ponovi.

Ako ne saznah ljubav i uspavah svoj um,

Pa mi je prazan dan koji još došao nij,

Ko granu koja se izdužuje u uzaludan šum

Neka me nedostojnog vetar obavije.

Preaching Of Love

I am gone but my love still exists;

I see it in the Sun and soil where rot our bones.

Day ends in it's grace

like music like emptiness, in peace.

It will save intentions mine and yours

And resurrect dead birthdays at it's will.

Immeasurable shade of villainy at the bottom of the wind

Shall vanish into ash, of those that ceased to be.

In an empty heart in the dead of night, call for me

dead desire, to repeat the world.

If I haven't found love and have lulled my mind to sleep,

So the day that's yet to come already seems empty,

May I unworthy be wrapped in the wind

As a branch that stretches into noise in vain.

(Translated by Aleksandra Milanović)