More pre nego usnim

More pre nego usnim

Svet nestaje polako. Zagledani svi su

u zažljivo vreme na zidu: o hajdemo!

Granice u kojima živimo nisu

granice u kojima umiremo.

Opora noći mrtva tela,

mrtvo je srce al ostaju dubine.

Noćas bi voda samu sebe htela

da ispije do dna i da otpočine.

Putuj dok još ima sveta i saznanja:

bićeš lep od prašine, spoznaćeš prah i sjaj.

Oslepi svojim koračajući putem, al znaj:

lažno je sunce, istina je njegova putanja.

Nek trgovci vremenom plove sa voskom u ušima,

ti smelo slušaj kako pevaju pustinje,

dok kleče bele zvezde pred zatvorenim

morem i ima

u tebi snage koja te raspinje.

Praznino, kako su zvezde male!

Tvoj san bez tela, bez noći noć,

pridev je čistog sunca pun pohvale.

To što te vidim je l moja il tvoja moć?

Prozirna ogrado koju sjaj savlada,

pusta providnosti koje me strah hvata,

tvoj cvet je jedini zvezda iznad grada,

tvoja uzaludnost od čistoga zlata!

Svet nestaje polako, tužni svet.

Ko će naše srce i kosti da sahrani

tamo gde ne dopire pamćenje, pokret

gde nas ne umnožava i ne ponavljaju dani!

Iščupajte mi jezik i stavite cvet:

počinje lutanje kroz svetlost. Reči zaustavi!

Sutra će sigurno i kukavice moći

ono što danas mogu samo hrabri i pravi

koji su u prostoru između nas i noći

našli divne razloge drugačije ljubavi.

Svet nestaje. A mi verujemo svom žestinom

u misao koju još ne misli niko,

u prazno mesto, u penu kada s prazninom

pomeša se more i oglasi rikom.

Sea before I sleep

The world is ending slowly. Everyone is starring

at the lying time on the wall: oh let's leave!

Boundaries that we live in

aren't boundaries that we'll die in.

Dead body's bitter night,

heart is dead but the depths remain.


water would drink itself to the bottom

and rest.

Travel, while there is still world and knowledge:

dust will make you beautiful, you'll meet ash and glow.

walk your path until you go blind

but do know:

Sun is a lie, yet it's path is true.

Let the traders of time sail with wax in their ears,

listen bravely deserts as they sing

while stars white are kneeling before the closed down sea

and the strength that crucifies in you still exists.

Emptiness, oh how tiny are the stars!

Your dream without body, night without night,

is an adjective of the clear, full of praise, Sun.

Do I see you due to my power or yours?

Transparent fence overpowered by the glow,

wishful transparency that I fear,

your bloom is the only star above town

your futility is undeniable - number one.

World is ending slowly, sad world.

Who shall bury our heart and the bones

where memory doesn't reach, where movement

doesn't multiply us and days do not repeat!

Rip my tongue out and put a flower in it's place:

wandering through the light begins. Stop the words!

Surely tomorrow even cowards will be able to

what today can only brave and true

who in the place between us and the night

have found wonderful reasons for a different love.

The world is ending. And we passionately believe

in a thought that still no one thinks,

in an empty place, in foam

then sea meddles with emptiness

and sounds itself in roar.

(Translated by Aleksandra Milanović)