Zamorena pesma

Zamorena pesma

Oni koji imaju svet

Neka misle šta će s njim

Mi imamo samo reči

I divno smo se snašli u toj nemaštini

Utešno je biti zemlja

Ponosno je biti kamen

Premudro je biti vatra

Pobožno je biti ništa

Prljav od suviše opevavane šume

Pesnik peva uprkos poeziji

Bez srca bez nasilja i bez žara

Kao reč koja je prebolela mužiku

Sloboda je zastarela

Moje pravo ime čeka da umrem

Ptico iza sunca usred rečenice

Kojom nasilnički ljubimo budućnost

Sve izgore; to je praznik

Poslušni pepeo

Brašno ništavila

Pretvara se

Iza mojih leđa u šugavog psa

Ispred mene u žar pticu

Govori mi istinu iza leđa


Ti si pravi naglasak umrle nežnosti

Načini zoru od našeg umora

Miris je vreme koje je posedovao cvet

Al nereč kaže







Neptica kaže



A je kaže nije

Na to ptica opsuje

Cvet kaže to je pakao

Prava reč se još rodila nije

Tired Poem

Those that have the world at hand

Should think of what to do with it

We have only words

And we're managing just fine in such poverty.

It's comforting to be the soil

It's proud to be the stone

It's wise to be the fire

It's pious to be nothing

Dirty from the forest that he too often sings of

Poet sings despite the poetry

Heartless, with no violence and with no flame

Like word that got over the music

Freedom is old

My true name is waiting for me to die

Bird, behind the Sun in the middle of the thought

Which we kiss the future with,

Everything burned down; that is a festival

Obedient ash

Flour of nothingness

Is transforming

Into a scabby dog behind me

Into a flame bird before me

It tells me the truth behind my back


You are the true accent of the tenderness that passed

Make a dawn from our tiredness

Scent is the time that the flower had

But unword says

it is




it is


Unbird says

it is


And Is says it Isn't

To which bird curses

Flower says that is hell

The true word has not been born yet

(Translated by Aleksandra Milanović)