Šta Sanjam I Šta Mi Se Događa ''

Šta Sanjam I Šta Mi Se Događa '' Iza predgradja, daleko, na kraj suma,

Koje bojazljivo kruze oko grada,

Na strmoj i neplodnoj ravni,

Bez imena i lepote,

Opet te nadjoh.

Zarobljen u jedva cujnom zvuku,

Koji prolazi osamljen ovim krajem,

To si ti, smislu i zaboravu,

Svih puteva i snova.

Bez snova. Bez reci.

Same zvezde silaze

U skut zaspalu prosjaku.

To mi se opet javljas ti, u zvuku,

I ovo se cudo nece objaviti nikad,

Nego ce uvek cutke rasti u meni,

Dok me ne ispuni svega

I ne ponese

Kao najsnaznija krila.

What I Dream and What Happens To Me”

Beyond the suburbs, far away, at the edge of the forests,

Which fearfully circle about the city,

On the steep and infertile field,

Without name or beauty,

Again I found you.

Imprisoned in a barely audible sound,

Which passes solitary through here,

It is you, sense and oblivion,

Of all the paths and dreams. 

Without dream. Without words. 

The stars themselves descend

Into the lap of a sleeping beggar girl.

That’s you calling to me again, in the sound,

And this miracle will never be declared,

But will always quietly grow in me,

Until it fills me completely

And carries me off

Like the strongest wings. 

(Translated by Pavle Ninković)