Zimski slog

Zimski slog

Bože, opet zima. Belo ime.

Mećava u slogu. Sever u duši.

Zaleđene zvezde i hladne rime.

Vatra snega koja se ruši.

Bože, opet zima. Belo ime.

Reči od leda su u sluhu.

Izgovoreni slogovi zvone.

Mrznu se glasovi u vazduhu

I rukom mogu da se sklone.

Reči od leda su u sluhu.

Svet se pretvara u kristale.

Zaustavljaju se ptice od stakla.

Zaleđene vatre se pale.

Vreme je belog, tihog pakla.

Svet se pretvara u kristale.

Winter Syllable

God, winter again. White name.

Snowstorm in syllable. North in the soul.

Frozen stars and cold rhymes.

The fire of snow that collapses.

God, it's winter again. White name.

Ice words are in the hearing.

Spoken syllables are ringing.

Voices in the air are freezing.

And they can remove them by hand

Ice words are in the hearing.

The world turns into crystals.

The glass birds stop.

The frozen fire burns.

This is the time of a white, quiet hell.

The world turns into crystals.

Translated by Gordana Janjušević Leković, 2017