Mira Alečković

Mira Alečković was born on the 2nd of February 1924 in Novi Sad. She graduated from the Faculty of Belgrade in literature and linguistics and studied at the Sorbonne in Paris. She published “Zvezdane balade”, her first book of poems, in 1946 and after that about twenty books for children, as well as about twenty books of poetry and prose. Her books have been translated into Russian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Hungarian, Polish, Czech and Italian. She is also famous as an author of the poem “Druze Tito, mi ti se kunemo”. She was editor-in-chief of “Zmaj” for over twenty years, the president of the Association of Writers of Serbia, as well as the president of the Association of Writers of Yugoslavia. She is the winner of numerous awards, among which is the Medal of Honor for improvement of cultural cooperation with France. She died on February 27 2008 at the age of 85.