Na stranputici

Na stranputici

Doće t. zv. jesen,

T. j. stalo padati "žuto lišće", i t. d.

Te skoro pod svakom granom

Po jedan pesnik;

Stoji, i vidi

Gde "mre" priroda, i pogreb joj prati!

I ja sam pokuš'o jednom

Da pazim na pesnički usus:

Da se svojski rastužim,

Pa da procvilim u ritmu.

Al' ozgo vedro nebo,

A u meni nasmejana duša,

Ismejaše mi tugu,

Te ni kraj najbolje volje

Ne mogoh otkriti smrt

U prirodi.

Naprotiv, ja volim kad pada lišće,

Te u stotini boja,

Od crvene do crno-mrke,

Pokrije tle;

A sunce na njega padne,

Pa dotka ćilim.

On the Side Road

The so-called autumn has come,

i.e. the "yellow leaves" began to fall, etc.

Well, it’s almost under every branch

one poet; stands, and sees

where nature dies, and her funeral follows!

Me too, i tried once

to keep an eye on poetic law:

To mourn my own way and to cry out in rhythm.

But clear sky above,

and a smiling soul inside me,

ridiculed my sadness,

so even with the best of my will,

I couldn't detect death

in nature.

On the contrary,

I love when the leaves fall,

In a hundred colors,

from red to black and brown,

and cover the ground;

Then the sun falls on them

and finishes weaving the carpet.

Translated by Gordana Janjušević Leković, 2019