Tražim pomilovanje

Tražim pomilovanje

Tražim pomilovanje

Za one koji nemaju snage

Zlome kazati da je zao

Niti rdjavome da je rdjav

Za onoga kom je žao čoveka

Istinom unesrećiti,

Za ljude koji lažu iz milosrdja.

Za čoveka koji će ponižen biti

Radije nego da nekog ponizi,

Za onoga koji i kad nazre

Obrazinu koju na licu

Nema srca da je zdere,

Za ljude koji ne mogu da uvrede

Ni čoveka druge misli I vere

Kojima se sve sudije čine stroge

Za svaku milosrdnu lažnu priču

I slične njima slabosti mnoge.

I Seek Absolution

I seek absolution

For those who have no strength

To tell an evil man that he is evil

Or a bad man that he is bad;

For the one who regrets to make

Another man unhappy with the truth,

For the people who lie out of mercy.

For the man who would rather be

Humiliated than to humiliate,

For the one who, even if he discerns

A mask on a face,

Has no heart to tear it off,

For the people who cannot offend

A man of a different faith or belief,

To whom all judges seem stern

For each merciful falsehood and

Many other similar weaknesses.

(Translation by: Ljiljana Parović)