Tamni vilajet

Tamni vilajet

Tuđom su pesmom očarani. Teška

Neverstva kriju u srcu što strepi:

Slavuje stranputica. Sunce je greška

Praćena viđenim užasima slepim.

Noć umesto oka lukava vatra nudi.

Al stoje kužni u istrošenom vazduhu

I slede vidljivost različito ljudi.

Ponor sumnja u njih jer ih ispunjava;

Samo su slabi izvan opasnosti.

U zločin je umešan i onaj ko spava.

Nikoga nema da jakima oprosti

Što sidoše u tamni vilajet i zlato

Koje se ne može uzeti otkriše.

Što god da činiš zlo činiš jer blato

Iz toga podzemlja slavno je sve više.

Dark Land

Delighted they are with others' word. Infidelities

Grave hiding in the heart that fears:

Praised are sideways. Sun is a mistake

Followed by the seen blind atrocities.

Cunning fire offers night instead of eyes

Yet sick still stand in the used out air

And people differently follow what they see is there

Pit doubts in them, for within them lies ;

From danger are safe only the weak.

And for the crime is guilty even those that sleep.

There is no one to forgive the strong

For descending into the dark land, and for the gold

that they've found that no one can have.

Whatever you do evil turns out, for that underground dirt

Is worth more each day.

(Translated by Aleksandra Milanović)