Kritika metafore

Kritika metafore

Dve reči tek da se kažu dodirnu se

I ispare u nepoznato značenje

Koje s njima nikakve veze nema

Jer u glavi postoji jedna jedina reč

A pesma se piše samo zato

Da ta reč ne bi morala da se kaže

Tako reči jedna drugu uče

Tako reči jedna drugu izmišljaju

Tako reči jedna drugu na zlo navode

I pesma je niz oslepljenih reči

Ali je ljubav njihova sasvim očigledna

One žive na račun tvoje komotnosti

Sve su lepše što si nemoćniji

A kad iscrpeš sve svoje snage kad umreš

Ljudi kažu: bogamu kakve je taj pesme pisao

I niko ne sumnja u reč koju nisi rekao

Criticism of metaphor

Two words touch as soon as you say them

And disappear into the meaning unknown

That has nothing to do with them

Because in head there is only one word

And poem is written just so

you don't have to say that word

That's how words teach each other

That's how words invent each other

That's how words influence each other badly

Poem is a string of blinded words

But their love is quite obvious

They live on the account of your comfort

The more powerless you are the more beautiful they are

And when you drain all your strength, when you die

People say: goodness, what a beautiful poetry he wrote!

And nobody suspects of the word that you never spoke

(Translated by Aleksandra Milanović)

Critique of Metaphor

Two words touch as they’re spoken And evaporate into unknown meaning Completely unrelated to them There's only one word in the headWhile the poem is written just so that that word remains unsaid

Thus words teach one another

Thus words invent one another

Thus words coax one another to wickedness

A poem's just a string of blinded words

Though their love is entirely obvious

They live to comfort you

The more beautiful for your helplessness

When you finally exhaust your powers in death

People will say: he wrote truly great poetry

None suspecting the word you never spoke